Plast Scouts in Action

Updates & News

Send a Scout to Summer Camp in the US

Send a Scout to Summer Camp in the US

Don’t delay! Help send young Ukrainian refugees to summer camps in the US. Your donation will provide camp equipment and fees for children seeking a return to safety and normalcy through scouting activities. Make a donation here. Не чекайте! Допоможіть молодим...

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Warm Socks – Warm Hearts

Warm Socks – Warm Hearts

Scouts for Ukraine announces the successful conclusion of its "Warm Hearts - Warm Socks" campaign. Scouts from chapters across the country, including Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Newark, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Seattle, assembled packages for...

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Thank you received from Plast Ukraine for winter camps (in Ukrainian)

Thank you received from Plast Ukraine for winter camps (in Ukrainian)

Пластуни в Україні переслали велику подяку всім у США, котрі допомогли 208 пластунам відбути зимові табори у Польщі. Ці табори створили для молодих пластунів можливість відпочинку та розваги, без тривоги війни. [gallery columns="1" size="full"...

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Plastuny in Action – 2024

Plastuny in Action – 2024

Plastuny in Action month Start getting ready now to show off your fundraising skills this April. Encourage your friends and acquaintances to get together and brainstorm some interesting ways to engage the community in your fundraising efforts. Send an email to...

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Generators and solar panels made it to the front lines

Generators and solar panels made it to the front lines

Scouts for Ukraine provided EcoFlow portable, battery-powered generators to support medical aid stations near the front lines of the war in Ukraine. These power generators are used to provide lighting, operate emergency equipment, run communications, and charge...

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2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

We would like to thank everyone who donated their time, effort, and funds to help us aid Plast scouts in Ukraine, along with their families, neighbors, and friends, while Russia’s war on Ukraine continued throughout 2023. In 2023 Scouts for Ukraine collected and spent...

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Two years of war

Two years of war

Two years of rockets, two years of fighting, two years of war. On this anniversary, Plast USA stands with Ukraine in this new indescribable reality. Scouts across America join together to send support and love to everyone in Ukraine fighting to preserve their...

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Summer camps for refugee scouts

Summer camps for refugee scouts

Numerous Ukrainian families, seeking refuge from the Russo-Ukrainian war, have discovered a supportive community within Plast USA. Because of your generosity, we were able to send 83 Ukrainian scouts to summer camps in New York (Vovcha Tropa and Novyi Sokil) and Ohio...

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Thank You received from Plast Ukraine (in Ukrainian)

Thank You received from Plast Ukraine (in Ukrainian)

Друзі, вдячні вам! Адже ваша підтримка пластунів в Україні дає можливість дітям продовжувати свій розвиток. Навіть в умовах війни українські діти пластують, набувають знань, навичок аби мати змогу розвивати у майбутньому нашу країну. Завдяки вашій підтримці у сумі 1...

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Thank You received from Plast Ukraine (in English)

Thank You received from Plast Ukraine (in English)

Plast Ukraine sent a Thank You to all in the USA who helped send children to summer camp. With the $40,970 donated by Plast USA, 686 Plast Scouts with their counselors were able to attend camps along with scouts in Poland, Italy, Lithuania, and Slovakia. Read the full...

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Plast USA recognizes Ukraine’s Armed Forces Day – December 6

Plast USA recognizes Ukraine’s Armed Forces Day – December 6

Today is Armed Forces Day in Ukraine. We recognize the bravery, honor, and strength of our Plast scout defenders and all those in the Ukrainian military. With all our love and respect, we thank them for their service. З Днем Збройних Сил, визнаємо хоробрість, честь і...

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Firefighting gear arrives in Ukraine

Firefighting gear arrives in Ukraine

August 2023 Firefighters in Kharkiv, Ukraine have a little more protection thanks to donated gear from firefighters in Vermont. About 1,800 lbs. of desperately needed fireproof helmets, boots, and other critical gear were delivered to Kharkiv. Volunteer fire...

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Frontline scouts send thanks for winter uniforms

Frontline scouts send thanks for winter uniforms

100 much-needed cold weather uniforms and boots made it to Ukraine’s defenders at the beginning of the winter.Plast USA and the Lisovi.Chorty fraternity of Plast - Australia were able to provide the funds and logistics to get these items to the frontline troops just...

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