Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, through Scouts for Ukraine,

has delivered over $30,000,000

in aid to Ukraine


Your gift will help us meet the critical needs of Ukrainians

All donations will be used for acquiring and supplying humanitarian aid.  Our organization has been providing aid to Ukrainians since 2014, when the Russian Federation illegally annexed Crimea and starting invading eastern regions of Ukraine.

We stand by Ukraine now and in the future.

Help us deliver the lifesaving support that Ukrainians desperately need.

Support #ScoutsforUkraine

Plast Scouts in Action

UCU Scholarship for families of fallen scouts created

UCU Scholarship for families of fallen scouts created

Scouts for Ukraine expresses our deepest gratitude to everyone, who contributed toward the establishment of a perpetual scholarship at Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). This scholarship is dedicated to spouses and children of scouts, who gave their lives to defend...

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Boy Scouts of America prepare IFAKs for Ukraine

Boy Scouts of America prepare IFAKs for Ukraine

Jack Hughes, of BSA Troop 13 within the Middle Tennessee Council, made the admirable decision to dedicate his Eagle Scout project to supporting Ukraine. He procured materials for 20 Individual First Aid Kits and guided his team through the packaging process. The...

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Send a Scout to Summer Camp in the US

Send a Scout to Summer Camp in the US

Don’t delay! Help send young Ukrainian refugees to summer camps in the US. Your donation will provide camp equipment and fees for children seeking a return to safety and normalcy through scouting activities. Make a donation here. Не чекайте! Допоможіть молодим...

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Warm Socks – Warm Hearts

Warm Socks – Warm Hearts

Scouts for Ukraine announces the successful conclusion of its "Warm Hearts - Warm Socks" campaign. Scouts from chapters across the country, including Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Newark, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Seattle, assembled packages for...

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Thank you received from Plast Ukraine for winter camps (in Ukrainian)

Thank you received from Plast Ukraine for winter camps (in Ukrainian)

Пластуни в Україні переслали велику подяку всім у США, котрі допомогли 208 пластунам відбути зимові табори у Польщі. Ці табори створили для молодих пластунів можливість відпочинку та розваги, без тривоги війни. [gallery columns="1" size="full"...

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Plastuny in Action – 2024

Plastuny in Action – 2024

Plastuny in Action month Start getting ready now to show off your fundraising skills this April. Encourage your friends and acquaintances to get together and brainstorm some interesting ways to engage the community in your fundraising efforts. Send an email to...

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Generators and solar panels made it to the front lines

Generators and solar panels made it to the front lines

Scouts for Ukraine provided EcoFlow portable, battery-powered generators to support medical aid stations near the front lines of the war in Ukraine. These power generators are used to provide lighting, operate emergency equipment, run communications, and charge...

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2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

We would like to thank everyone who donated their time, effort, and funds to help us aid Plast scouts in Ukraine, along with their families, neighbors, and friends, while Russia’s war on Ukraine continued throughout 2023. In 2023 Scouts for Ukraine collected and spent...

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Those who honored their oath

View the commemoration of Plast Scouts who died in the Russo-Ukrainian war since 2014